Saturday, August 30, 2014


Team Libe for President for DMV representing some Tanzanians and United States Citizens residing in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia commonly known as the DMV are reaching out to the general public to raise our voices on issues of irregularities noted in the Tanzanian DMV elections which took place on 08/09/2014. 

We feel our right to vote under the 15th Amendment of the U.S constitution has been violated.  This issue can no longer be kept silent and contained in the Tanzania community and we must let the whole world know of the unethical practices by some members of our community. The issue of voting irregularities is rampant and it's time to expose it to the public especially those who cherish democracy. The Tanzanian DMV community held elections to select representatives for the Tanzanian Association on August 9th 2014. These elections turned out to be very chaotic and outcomes of the elections are still in dispute.

Among the many irregularities included are;
1).  It was established by both sides that the number of votes exceeded the registered people who voted. 
2). The ballot boxes were removed from the official voting site to an unknown location by an individual without the consent of the other members of the election committee. 
3).The chairman of the Election Committee was unable to pronounce the winner.

Based on these irregularities we are reaching out to those who cherish democracy to demand  the nullification of these elections. Please sign the petition BY CLICKING HERE to show your support so we can can help the next generation understand and feel that they can live in a democratic society without fear of oppression.

Also we are doing fund raising to pay our lawyer for the election irregularities CLICK HERE TO DONATE


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